Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fungus kills caterpillars but may help humans

Whoever thought that a brain-attacking fungus might actually be good for you? This particular type of fungus, cordyceps, is known for attacking and killing caterpillars and can be found in the mountains of Tibet. Touted as a cure for various ailments including cancer, asthma, and erectile dysfunction, it is sold in Chinese markets as the “golden worm” or “Tibetan mushroom” for as much as $50,000 per pound! A new study published in RNA provides some evidence for these claims. The researchers isolated the chemical cordycepin from the fungus and found that it actually does have anti-inflammatory properties and works by halting polyadenylation, which shuts off genes that induce inflammation. The hope is to develop new anti-inflammatory treatments for asthma, cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammation-associated diseases. Cordycepin is not currently available as a medication as more tests are needed and doctors caution about self-medicating with the fungus.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Some teenage gamers are better at virtal surgery than MD's

Teenage Gamers Are Better At Virtual Surgery Than MDs

A lot of people see videogames as the "time-waster" of the century. That's silly, and there have been a lot of studies that show why. The latest? Researchers have found that high school- and college-age gamers are better virtual surgeons than medical residents.
Scientists from University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston had a hunch that students with a regular videogame diet (high school sophomores who played two hours of games a day and college students who played four) would be primed for virtual surgery tools. They were right. When performance with those tools was measured, the game-playing students did better than a group of residents at UTMB. It was only slightly better, but still. Kinda makes you wonder: Who do you really want poking you with needles, a prim Harvard-educated resident or a slovenly high school kid who spends Friday nights playing Call of Duty?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

People are actually allergic to BlackBerry's!?

People are actually allergic to BlackBerry's!?

Recent studies have shown that some people are very allergic to BlackBerry's, such as my mother. In Blackberry's the 2 main ingredients are NICKLE AND COBALT! They have proven that the flip phones are worst than the non flip. The Non flip (as you can see in the left hand side of the picture
have about a third of nickel, they found. The flip-phone models were worse, about 91 percent of those had nickel and 52 percent had cobalt. iPhones and Android phones, by comparison, didn't seem to have either allergen (nickel or cobalt).

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hurricane SANDY!


Hurricane SANDY aka. Frankin-Storm, has devastated make of the eastern states of America. The most impact was in New Jersey. I will put some videos that you can watch about THE INFORMATION!

But basically what happened with Hurricane Sandy  is that instead of carrying on in the warmer water where it would have grown, it went up north and inland where the water temperature is lower, therefor the amount of energy delivered by Superstorm Sandy, has now turned into a tropical storm, not as severe as a hurricane. Here are some videos that i found about super storm SANDY!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


This is a really funny video that i found on 2 "new elements"!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Hey guys! This is an awesome video that I found on youtube about molecular bonding! Check it out! It might help you a lot, or not. It helped me!

Monday, October 8, 2012









Sunday, October 7, 2012

Current event

The Master Parasite: 
Meet the wolbachia, the parasite that wants to rule the world. Wolbachia is tiny, smaller than a single cell, but its powers are enormous. It can change its hosts genetically, tamper (kind of like change them up a little) with their unborn children, and create whole new species of carriers ... whatever it takes to fill the world with wolbachia. No one knows how many creatures on earth are infected. At least twenty thousand insects species cary it, and so do a lot of worms and lice. That's trillions of carriers as far as we know. And every now place scientist look, they find more. Here is the weird thing, no living creature is born with it. You might be asking yourself. HU? Well you don't catch wolbachia, to are born with it! Wolbachia are like those little super villains with huge brains. They are wimps, they never leave there hosts body. Rather than go out into the horrible world, the wolbachia infect new carriers before they are born. Every infected creature, gets the disease from its own mother. So if you have this, don't blame yourself, blame your MOM! So then, she can blame her mom, and then she can blame her mom, and then she can blame her mom, and then she can blame her mom, and then she can blame her mom, and then she can blame her mom, and then she can blame her mom, and then she can blame her mom, and then she can blame her mom, and then she can blame her mom, anyways, you get the point! :)

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Electrons confined inside NANO-PYRAMID

Quantum dots are nanostructures of semiconducting materials that behave a lot like single atoms and are very easy to produce. Given their special properties, researchers see huge potential for quantum dots in technological applications. Before this can happen, however, we need a better understanding of how the electrons "trapped" inside them behave. Dresden physicists have recently observed how electrons in individual quantum dots absorb energy and emit it again as light.

Quantum dots look like tiny pyramids. Inside each of these nano-pyramids are always only one or two electrons that essentially "feel" the constricting walls around them and are therefore tightly constrained in their movability. TU Dresden and the Leibniz Institute for solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW) have now studied the special energy states of the electrons trapped inside individual quantum dots.

Sunday, September 23, 2012



Can crops actually improve with just adding artificial clear soil?

If you answered with yes, your correct! 

Artificial soil-like materials have beed developed to help scientists image the secret world of the plants roots. The view could help biologists, chemists and physicists improve crops and identify ways to prevent the outbreak of plant based diseases. 

The clear soil was developed by theoretical biologist Lionel Dupuy, the the James Hutton Institution in Dundee Scotland. It's made of a synthetic material know as 'Nafion'. This material can be modified to mimic (to copy) the chemistry of the natural soil. Its not see through first, but when water is added, the particles bend light, making it clear.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Portable Solar Desalination 'Plant' That May Aid In Third World Water Woes

Water can be found anywhere. But there is not a lot that can be drank. That, unfortunately, is the situation faced by millions of residents in developing countries who are surrounded by oceans, but have no access to fresh drinking water. Now thanks to this ingenious portable ceramic desalination 'plant' created by Milan-based designer Gabriele Diamanti, there may be a viable solution.

What this "plant" does is it takes the salt water in the top and makes it into fresh water. It kind of works like an upside down coffee maker, during the day, the hear of the sun raises up the steam pressure into the black watertight boiler. The steam is forces down through the expansion nozzle, and then it condenses against the lid to create fresh drinking water. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012


In this graph, it shows more clearly what the Atomic Number and the Radius are in comparison but  what it doesn't show is the Elements so it is a little bit confusing in a way.

In this one it makes a little more sense because it has a graph and Table. My reasoning for this conclusion, is because first, you have the elements on the bottom of the table to symbolize the Elements for it to make more sense rather than just to have the numbers alone.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mercury Hg. (on the periodic table of elements)

Brief description: mercury is the only common metal liquid at room temperatures. Mercury is sometimes called quicksilver. It rarely occurs free in nature and is found mainly in cinnabar ore (HgS) in Spain and Italy. It is a heavy, silvery-white liquid metal. It is not that good of a conductor of heat other than other metals but is a good conductor of electricity.

Organic mercury compounds are both important and dangerous. Methyl mercury is a lethal pollutant found in rivers and lakes. The main source of pollution is industrial wastes settling to the river and lake bottoms which is hurting the environment badly. Mercury melts at room temperature, so that's why it is mostly in liquid form. Mercury, when poorer on to any surfaces, tends to form into a ball. When something is put on it, it acts like a covering, like for an example, when you put your fingers in water they get wet, but if you put your fingers in mercury, they don't get mercury all over your fingers because it is much more dense and has a higher surface tension than water. 

Some cool facts about MERCURY: 

  • The Romans modified the Greek name slightly, referring to mercury as Hydragyrum, from which we get mercury’s modern chemical symbol Hg.
  • Almost any small but heavy object can float on mercury because it is so dense.
  • Mercury has high surface tension,  therefor when it gets spilled, it splits up into tiny little beads. 

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO :D its cool ;) but if u want to see just how she handles the mercury, then go to 1:40 in the video :)

This is also a great video, where the person is experimenting with mercury in lots of different ways!


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Self driving Cars


The first SARTRE (SAfe Road TRains for the Environment) road train on a public highway among other road users was performed successfully in May 2012. The road train was comprised of a Volvo XC60, a Volvo V60 and a Volvo S60 plus one truck automatically driving in convoy behind a lead vehicle. 

A convoy of self-driving cars has taken to a public motorway in Spain in normal traffic, a world first, according to Swedish car maker Volvo.
A professional driver took the lead of the convoy in a truck, and was followed by four self-driven Volvo vehicles: a second truck and three cars, Volvo said in a statement.

I chose this article because it thought it would be interesting to learn about how they could actually make cars drive by them selfs. What grabbed my attention was the title of the post, "SELF DRIVING CARS". I thought to myself, how could that be possible? Well, I was so interested in it that I decided to read the article. I found it while looking at the Discovery News website and was just skimming through the articles when I came to this one that seamed interesting and was screaming, READ ME, READ ME, READ ME!!!!!!!!!



In this current even that i read, it talked about how they would remake a digital copy of Elvis Presley for live shows and other things like online media, and TV Broadcasts. 

Elvis Presley, who died in 1977 aged 42, will be brought back in a virtual performance by Digital Domain Media Group (DDMG) - the same group who stunned nearly 90,000 fans with a life-like performing Tupac hologram at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in April.

"This is a new and exciting way to bring the magic and music of Elvis Presley to life," said Jack Soden, head of the Elvis Presley Project, a division of "CORE" Media Group which signed the deal for making the hologram.

"His lifelong fans will be thrilled all over again and new audiences will discover the electric experience of Elvis the performer," Jack Soden added in a statement about the Presley Project.
The King of Rock 'n' Roll remains one of the most popular figures in music despite his death in 1977.
No word on when hologram Elvis will make its official debut. Digital Domain is linking with Core Media Group, which handles various brands, personalities and properties.

I chose this article because it thought it would be interesting to learn about how people can make such creations like holograms of a long dead person. What grabbed my attention were 2 words, digitally, and resurrected. I thought to myself, how could that be possible? Well, I was so interested in it that I decided to read the article. I found it while looking at the Discovery News website and was just skimming through the articles when I came to this one that seamed interesting and was screaming, READ ME, READ ME, READ ME!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Water Drop Lab

Guiding questions: 
  1. When water is dropped from a pipette int oa pan of water, how does the wave behave?
  2. What properties does a mechanical have have? 
  3. How do waves interact with each other and with solid objects in their paths? 

Hypothesis: Every action, has an opposite or equal reaction. 

Every time there is a light object in front of where I dropped a drop of water, it either moved slightly or the waves went underneath it. If there was an obstacle like clay or some kind of solid object, the water waves would bounce off and go in different directions depending on the shape of the object. The reason it would depend on the shape of the object is because if you have an object that is like a stick of clay, it would bounce strait, on the other hand, if it’s a rounded off object, then the waves would go off in a more circular motion. It all depends on what the amplitude of the water drop is, if it is high amplitude, that means that the water drop is huge, if the amplitude is lower, then that means that the water drop is smaller. And it also depends on the frequency. If it is high frequency, then there will be much more waves than there would be in low frequency.

The properties of mechanical waves are:
  • ·       waves have wavelengths: The wavelength is the distance from one peak to the next, or from one trough to the next.
  • ·        Amplitudes: The amplitude is the maximum height of a wave from its rest position
  • ·        frequency’s: The frequency is the number of waves per second.
  • Periods: The period and the frequency are related by the equation: f = 1/T. The period of a wave is the time between one crest and the next appearing, this is also true for troughs.

The only possible thing that I would change is having a more accurate way to see my waves, because I had to really look hard at the little ripples in the water to see where they were going, and it was also hard because the little ripples faded away very fast so I couldn’t really keep track of where they went, so I had to kind of guess at it.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Science Essay
Hurricanes can be very devastating to not only the people in the hurricane, but to the many families outside of the hurricane, just waiting for them to return their calls. Families pray do everything they can to try and help their family that is trapped inside the massive walls of the hurricane. Their help is very limited, all they can do, is wait, and pray. One of the main concerns of the future is: How are we going to overcome the destruction, and the devastation of all of the natural disasters? A hurricane in a very intense rotation of the oceanic weather system, that has winds that can get up to or even go over 119 km/hr (74 mph)!
Hurricanes are generally smaller storms in mid latitudes, typically about 500 km (311 miles) in diameter. At the ocean’s surface, the air spirals inward in a counterclockwise direction. This cyclonic circulation becomes weaker with height, eventually turning into clockwise outflow near the top of the storm. Hurricanes mostly form and intensify over oceanic regions. In order for a hurricane to form, the surface temperature of seawater has to be at least 26o C (80o F) and it requires the earth’s rotation, a spinning circulation, otherwise known as the Coriolis effect. In north America these phenomena are called hurricanes. In other parts of the world, like western North Pacific a hurricane is also known as “typhoon” and in the Indian Ocean and the Western North Pacific is known as “tropical cyclone.

As shown in the picture the most hurricanes occur in:
North Atlantic Ocean     Hurricane season: June 1 - November 30. The most active period runs from about mid August through the latter part of October. Locations that may be affected are the Caribbean, Bermuda, Central America including eastern Mexico, the eastern and Gulf coasts of the United States, and eastern Canada.

Eastern North Pacific Ocean     Hurricane season: May 15 - November 30. This is the second most active region for tropical cyclones in the world. These storms mostly move into the open eastern Pacific Ocean but can affect western Mexico and sometimes after developing, Hawaii.

Northwest Pacific Ocean     Typhoon season: All year. This is the most active basin in the world. Most typhoons form between July through November. The tropical cyclones that form here can affect the Philippines, southeast Asia including China and Taiwan, and Japan.

Bay of Bengal / Arabian Sea     Severe Cyclonic storm season: April 1 - December 30. This basin has a double maximum because of the monsoon trough moving through at two different times of the year. Maximums occur from mid April through May and from mid September through mid December.

Southwest Pacific Ocean     Severe Tropical Cyclone Season: October 15 - May 1. These tropical cyclones may affect eastern Australia.

Southeast Indian Ocean     Severe Tropical Cyclone Season: October 15 - May. These tropical cyclones may affect northern and western Australia. This basin has a double maximum in mid January, and mid February through early March.

Southwest Indian Ocean     Tropical Cyclone Season: October 15 - May 15. These tropical cyclones may affect Madagascar and southeastern Africa. A double maximum occurs in mid January and mid February through early March.”
"Where Do Hurricanes Occur?" Where Do Hurricanes Occur? 3 June 2012. Web. 03 June 2012. <>.
Naming the hurricanes is not that hard. The only reason we name them, is for the forecasters and the weather people to have easier communication between each other. The names that they name the hurricanes are not personal names. There are come men's and some women's names but the majority of names are names of animals, trees, birds, flowers or even foods, etc., while only some of the names are descriptive adjectives.
         First of all, hurricanes can affect many things. It can affect lives, it can affect countries, cities, states, buildings and so on. One thing that I have learned during my research is that not every storm leaves a mark of humanities, but when it does, it’s a pretty big one. Take for example, Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina was a category 4 hurricane, but before she was category 4, she was cat. 2. The categories are split up into 5.
1.   Winds: 74-95 mph (64-82 kt) – Surge – 4-5 feet. – No real damage to buildings, very little costal flooding.
2.   Winds: 96-110 mph (83-95 kt) – Surge – 6-8 feet. – May cause some damage to your house like to doors, windows and roofing. Flooding damages.
3.   Winds: 111-130 mph (96-113) – Surge – 9-12 feet. – Some structural damage. Flooding near the coast destroys smaller structures.
4.   Winds: 131-155 mph (114-135 kt) – Surge – 13-18 feet. Terrain is flooded inland. Some major erosion by the beach areas.
5.   155 mph+ (135+ kt) – Surge – 18+ feet. TOTAL DISTRUCTION!
Once a hurricane has been detected, and its movement carefully observed and plotted, the Hurricane Warning Service in the United States goes into operation. The National Hurricane Center, in Miami, Florida, is the major base of activity for this warning system.

The task of properly warning the public about an approaching hurricane is a big responsibility. As a hurricane speeds closer to land, the National Hurricane Center issues a series of warnings to specific areas of coastline. The warnings and their meanings are as follows:
1.   “Small craft warning = A storm is within a few hundred miles of the coast.
2.   Gale warning = Winds of 38 to 54 miles per. At 39 miles per hour, the storm is given a name.
3.   Tropical storm warning = Winds of 55 to 74 miles.
4.   Hurricane watch = Winds above 74 miles per hour. Hurricane conditions threatening land are a serious possibility.
5.   Hurricane warning = Winds above 74 miles per hour.
6.   Hurricane force winds = Are expected to hit land. The flags, above, would be displayed to warn boats of the dangerous storm.”

"Warning." Warning. Miami Museum of Science. Web. 03 June 2012.

         The main advantage of a hurricane is to transfer large amounts of excessive hear energy from the ocean out into the atmosphere, that in a way will help global warming by decreasing the temperature in the tropical regions. The disadvantages are obviously flooding, damage, heavy rain, power outings etc. In all, hurricanes can be both helpful in a sense, and very destructive and devastating.