Sunday, November 18, 2012

Some teenage gamers are better at virtal surgery than MD's

Teenage Gamers Are Better At Virtual Surgery Than MDs

A lot of people see videogames as the "time-waster" of the century. That's silly, and there have been a lot of studies that show why. The latest? Researchers have found that high school- and college-age gamers are better virtual surgeons than medical residents.
Scientists from University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston had a hunch that students with a regular videogame diet (high school sophomores who played two hours of games a day and college students who played four) would be primed for virtual surgery tools. They were right. When performance with those tools was measured, the game-playing students did better than a group of residents at UTMB. It was only slightly better, but still. Kinda makes you wonder: Who do you really want poking you with needles, a prim Harvard-educated resident or a slovenly high school kid who spends Friday nights playing Call of Duty?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

People are actually allergic to BlackBerry's!?

People are actually allergic to BlackBerry's!?

Recent studies have shown that some people are very allergic to BlackBerry's, such as my mother. In Blackberry's the 2 main ingredients are NICKLE AND COBALT! They have proven that the flip phones are worst than the non flip. The Non flip (as you can see in the left hand side of the picture
have about a third of nickel, they found. The flip-phone models were worse, about 91 percent of those had nickel and 52 percent had cobalt. iPhones and Android phones, by comparison, didn't seem to have either allergen (nickel or cobalt).

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hurricane SANDY!


Hurricane SANDY aka. Frankin-Storm, has devastated make of the eastern states of America. The most impact was in New Jersey. I will put some videos that you can watch about THE INFORMATION!

But basically what happened with Hurricane Sandy  is that instead of carrying on in the warmer water where it would have grown, it went up north and inland where the water temperature is lower, therefor the amount of energy delivered by Superstorm Sandy, has now turned into a tropical storm, not as severe as a hurricane. Here are some videos that i found about super storm SANDY!